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The “unveiling” of Veiling. The blood diaries 🩸

The wrapping of a women’s head has been around since the early 1300 century BC. Back then this more of a religious practice rather than a spiritual thing, women of the churches would wear a head wrap as a way to show their faith to God or whomever was their higher power. However not everyone was welcomed to practice these rituals, those deemed a prostitute or anyone in a lower status we’re not able to wear a head dress and if they were caught there was consequences to pay, such as being shamed, ridiculed and some even worse… death.

As time has passed throughout our history women have been wearing veils as a symbol of many different meanings depending on what part of the world you are in.

Veiling is a sign of respect to one deities, to thy self and to the sacredness of the body.

Some believe if the head is not protected the rest of the body may suffer

Our head is the closest to divinity-the center of divine communication

It’s almost as if placing a crown upon our head to symbolize our purest connection with our gods and goddesses.

Wearing a vial is a reminder to the world but more so ourselves! When a women chooses to veil, she is honoring and respecting her beliefs. It’s a physical symbol that aligns us with our spiritual practice and reminds us of who we are and why we do what we do!

Today as a modern day witch growing up in a complex overly conditioned world I have chose to take on this practice as a new form of respect by veiling during my menstrual cycle each month. And possibly may try it during high energy times like full moons as well. I plan to experiment with this more as time goes and will share a update in the future.

What if we tried something now and took this symbol as a way to honor the beginning of our cycle regarding our modesty our energy & our crown chakras?… what if it was a game changer for you?.. what if you just tried it?..

Your crown chakra is responsible for the transcendence of your limitations the chakra allows access to the most clarity and enlightened wisdom there is to be found. The crown is the meeting point between the physical body the universe and our souls

This is where your HIGHEST SELF LIVES!

When we are menstruating our wombs are discarding all of the monthly build up from the lining of your uterus this is like an eternal cleanse for your womb. Shedding all the things we know longer need and making “space” for what is to come.

Offering Nourishment for this 🍑ripe rich space for new things to flourish and grow! Each cycle preparing the body to nurture and give birth to new life. Listen to what she is telling you and really allow your self extra grace and space. Your body is doing AMAZING things, respect her changes!

Womb holders we ARE the creators of this world!!! We as a womb holder we hold and harness the power of eternity…. Tap into that. We were giving these powers for a reason! Respect yourself and honor her as what feels right for you. Do not fight what she needs! Make it a point to plan that week ahead in your planner and allow more space to align that week.

During Cycle days one through four

Your uturs sheds what is not fertilized

Bright red blood occurs

We have weaker immune system‘s, lower body temperatures, tenderness, headaches, bloating, irritability, fatigue and cramping . Focusing on Nourishing your body with Foods rich with minerals. Foods that contain iron such as dark leafy greens beans seafood. Zinc, Vit c and D. Eat warm foods NOURISH your soul with whole food goodness.

Most women tend to get irritable emotional possibly feeling they’re under attack and because of this we tend to go with in during this time.

To shelter “protect” ourselves from the outside world even your loved ones may be too much during your cycle and that’s OK!

Women used to actually go away during this week and rest and retreats in a sacred place designated FoR this! They called these red tents. Womb holders would gather here and nourish each other. Connect and give gratitude back to mother Gaia. These were consider very sacred powerful places of practices. Women were respected and treated liked queens while in this space. They were able to take off all their “mom” hats and fully retreat so they can come back out feeling refreshed and ready to get back to the worldly daily duties we all carry.

Wouldn’t this be nice! ⛺️

Do you offer yourself space to retreat during your cycle? If not I urge you to create a new ritual that feels good for you. A way to give thanks to your body and give back to Gaia. Your womb will thank you 🙏 I promise!

Personally I have choose to honor these ancient practices in my own ways, one of being to begin to veil during my cycle. A sense of shielding my energy and allowing my crown a source of protection during a time when we are so open and fragile. I personally suffer from terrible headaches during my cycle ( this is new) so I’m curious to see if this will help with that as well. This will be a energetic way to put a protective Barrier on your portal of divine connection. Showing and telling my body that I feel you, I hear you and I trust the knowing of what my body needs during this time. Allowing that retreat within myself.

There is so many ways to honor your cycles this is just ONE that I practice. Maybe this doesn’t align with you, take what feels good leave the rest. No harm done

Your body is your vessel to this lifetime

Respect her by offering what works for you.

Namaste sisters 🩸 And happy full moon rizing

Xoxo, Sara Marie, the Queenbee

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